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7/3/2020 10:34:00 AM
Pandemic COVID-19 effects and changing market trends
Green Buildings demand is trending these days as it is much capable to reduce impact on physical environment and promote a healthy indoor environment for Residents.
COVID-19 is spreading across the globe and unfortunately it became dangerous right now. World Economy is facing its worse impact although medicine or vaccine found news give some relief to many of us. While Pharmaceutical companies are finding its medicinal solution, people are busy to take care of themselves by boosting their immune system. Currently health food companies are engaged to advertise their products as immunity booster. In the same way sanitizer,soap,antiseptic liquids,hygiene and sanitation market Segment are on boom mode.Real Estate is one among others which placed itself from the negative economic impact. Very well said "Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems". Shelter is an important ingredient of safely and Security. Lockdown made us realized us how home protect us from invisible virus. Many reports claimed rising residential demand.It is pleasure to be a home owner these days, as in Covid-19 days tenants and paying guests faced many problems said news sources.Ownership Title makes us feel Independent and confident and but obvious secure and safe. STAYHOME word is trending in our life right now and it is important for safety prospective. Covid-19 spreading is going to be dangerous simultaneously It has changed people prospective towards life supporting elements of life,Now people demand home with home office,Green Buildings demand is trending these days as it is much capable to reduce impact on physical environment and promote a healthy indoor environment for Residents. The culture of India refers collectively to the thousands of distinct and unique cultures of all religions and communities present in India. India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food and customs differ from place to place within the country. India food and Spices promote health and fitness and COVID-19 days realized this many of us practically and properly.Medicial properties and immunity booster enriched Indian spices are also capable to add mouth watering taste in Indian cuisine. Fast food and junk food addicted indians have no other option but to eat only homemade food these days.In between unavailability of COVID-19 medicine and Vaccine Indian spices and home made stuff are working like life guards against Pandemic.Home Hygiene is the other important thing which we have to do these days. In Pandemic lockdown we spent quality time with our family, and it helped us to reconnect with our loved ones.We had enough time to spend with them.In COVID-19 Lockdown days many good habits we have practiced and we hope it to be continue for lifetime.
real estate,Covid19,residential,commercial,pandemic,immunity booster,india
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